
Monday Guest Oxie Shcherba-Y3-W27

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Get to know Oxie Shcherba

By: Mohammed Alqaq   |  July 01, 2024   |  Year 3  –  Week 27/2024

Greetings everyone! I’m Oxie Shcherba, Enterprise Customer Success Manager, responsible for exceptional service delivery and the growth of the largest corporate customers.

I worked with teams at companies like Slack, IGT, and Wrike to design utilization strategies that help address their business challenges and ensure they recognize positive impact and ROI.

I embrace slow living and quality time in a circle of close friends. You’ll often find me with a cup of coffee, a good book, or planning a trip to a new destination  (I’ve been to almost 50 countries and counting, it’s never enough).


We asked Oxie to take us through a journey telling us about her career path, how she spends her workday, what advice she can share with someone starting as a customer success manager, and many other questions.

Enjoy reading this interview  

Table of Contents

Tell us about your career path?

I started working at 15 as an English tutor, helping kids with their homework and overall language competencies. I knew it was important to be able to communicate with the world, and English was perceived as a universal international language. I transferred this mindset to my students as they confessed later.

My first corporate job was in Customer Support. I combined my university classes in the morning with afternoon shifts, troubleshooting for the customers or conducting phone interviews for marketing research projects we were taking as well.

I studied Economics and Marketing, so it was interesting to get my hands on the actual business processes and customer interactions. Later, I switched to Digital Marketing, working for agencies and executing various campaigns, from SEO to email marketing and lead generation.

This experience, combined with a sales mindset and a natural instinct to invest in partner relationships, led me to revenue management and Customer Success.

I work for Grammarly, where we improve lives by improving communication. Grammarly’s solution was a game changer for me at my previous companies, so I transitioned from a loyal customer to a team member. If you use English at work, try it; you’ll thank me later. 🙂

How did you join Customer Success?

My manager at the time mentioned seeing me in a customer-facing role, leading the negotiation and executing service delivery as my skillset and personality align with the CS position. The job description resonated with me, so I agreed to transition to Customer Success, a new and growing department.

I was always passionate about helping others succeed, as a mentor for professional development or as a trusted advisor for the customer, so the position allowed me to do this full-time. 🙂 

I also considered the “farmer” approach (planting the seeds, nurturing, harvesting) foundational and still believe that long-term partnerships rooted in trust are arguably the best investments a company can make.

How would you describe the ideal CSM candidate?

Great communicator and empathetic problem-solver. Think of the manager you’d like to have as a customer, how you’d like to be treated, and what you’d expect them to demonstrate so you can build a trusted partnership, and you’ll get the portrait of a perfect candidate for this role.

What one piece of advice would you give to someone just starting out as a Customer Success Manager?

Be curious, and ask that question you want to ask! This is arguably the best stage in your career to absorb knowledge as much as possible and seek mentorship. Listen, observe, and build your network, since the community has the expertise and best practices you seek.

Invest your time in understanding your offering and the customer’s business deeply. This will give you confidence, and you’ll be able to offer the expertise and guidance the customers are looking for.


Be curious, and ask that question you want to ask!

Can you take us on a journey describing what your workday looks like?

My schedule largely depends on how we organize communication cadence with customers. Mornings are typically reserved for meetings with Europe, Middle East, and Asian teams, while the shift end I spend with the US customers and cross-functional partners.

Once I’m done with my morning calls, I move to tasks and start what I call a “clean up.” If it takes less than 5 minutes to address something, respond, or catch up on an update, I do it right away so I can focus on more complex tasks later in the day. Addressing less time-consuming or urgent matters as I start my day minimizes the noise and distraction for me.

I usually block time in advance to work on customer business reviews, upcoming renewals, or upcoming onboardings. So, my “clean up” exercise is usually followed by the tasks I pre-planned.

You never know what you may receive from the customers, so my priorities for the day can easily shift to help with escalation or time-sensitive questions. This is why I tend to leave some time reserved as well. If you have engaged and communicative partners on the customer side, there’s always something you need to work on.

I appreciate the remote-hybrid model and the flexibility of my schedule, which allows me to combine quality focus time with breaks to grab a coffee or lunch with my family.

What makes you feel inspired or motivated?

Ability to make a difference. I’ve seen my actions changing the trajectory of projects, businesses, or people’s careers. The fact that my choices can catalyze positive changes gives me a sense of ownership, meaning, and attachment to a bigger purpose.

What’s one thing that people are generally surprised to find out about you?

I’m one of those Millennials who’re skipping the midlife crisis and going straight to grandma’s hobbies, like gardening. I really enjoy everything related to plants, and I grow herbs at home. While it may seem unimpressive, many people are surprised to discover I’m passionate about financial literacy and stock investment and have been to some unexpected destinations, like North Macedonia.

Who do you look up to the most? 

There is no single personality I’d point out, but I’m fascinated by the TED Talks community, spreading world-changing ideas. Every speaker is such a bright and intelligent personality we all can learn from.

I also admire the resilience and adaptability of Ukrainian IT community. It exemplifies how one can grow and materialize ambitious projects despite the circumstances.

What are your top 3 priorities now?

These are my top 3 priorities:

Sustainable growth —I believe success is a journey, not a destination, which is why it’s important to me to make progress and become recognized for the results I deliver, whether it be revenue growth for my portfolio, customer satisfaction, and loyalty or my mentorship leading the accomplishments of others.

Creating a life worth living – filled with purpose, joy, memorable moments, extraordinary people, and places.  There will never be the right time to do that thing from your bucket list. It’s on you to make the time right.  

Giving back to the community – doing what’s within my power to help others achieve the success they deserve in their careers and lives.

What advice would you give to Customer Success Managers to grow and develop their careers?

Research what your organization is looking to achieve and see how the organizational goals connect with yours in your role. The ability demonstrate how your contribution helped the company hit the target will set you apart immediately.

Document your accomplishments and learnings so you can reflect on and look back at your journey and recognize the path you have taken. Seriously, approach your career development as a project.

What’s your favorite book, and why?

I want to believe every next book I read is going to be my favorite; there are so many great authors and authentic voices out there.

I am currently drawn to “Unlearning Silence” by Elaine Lin Hering. She delves into how we’ve learned to be silent, how we’ve benefited from silence, and how we’ve silenced other people. She teaches us how to recognize and unlearn unconscious patterns to make more intentional choices about how we want to show up at home and work. Only by unlearning silence can we more fully unleash talent, speak our minds, and be more complete versions of ourselves.

» Check out the 10 Books a CSM should read to advance and improve their skills.

Have you had your “I’ve made it” moment yet?

I’ve learned to celebrate small victories and “I’ve made it” moments that would otherwise go unnoticed. Your effort and every step are valuable and worthy of appreciation, so be a cheerleader for yourself. Otherwise, you risk losing the positive outlook and joy from the journey.

What should I have asked you but didn’t? 

The questions are great; thank you. I’d add this: “Finish the interview with 1 line.” My closing words would be my motto: “Dream.Plan.Do.

Where can people go to find out more about you?

I’d be happy to connect on Linkedin, feel free to reach out:

Thank you, Oxie, for sharing your knowledge and for the opportunity to know you more.

Do you have a Customer Success Leader, Expert, or Influencer you would like to know more about?