
Monday Guest Omid Razavi-Y3-W20

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Get to know Omid Razavi

By: Mohammed Alqaq   |  May 13, 2024   |  Year 3  –  Week 20/2024

I’m Omid Razavi, SVP of Customer Success at Alluxio and founder of SuccessLab, where we empower organizations with AI/ML and automation to enhance customer success and support. With over 25 years of experience across various technology companies, including ServiceNow, SAP, and SupportLogic, I specialize in deploying digital technologies to drive superior customer outcomes.

I am also an active CS community leader and advisor in customer value management, passionate about sharing insights and best practices.


We asked Omid to take us through a journey telling us about his career path, how he spends his workday, what advice he can share with someone starting as a customer success manager, and many other questions.

Enjoy reading this interview  

Table of Contents

Tell us about your career path?

By education, I am an engineer with a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences from the University of California, Berkeley. My journey began in customer-facing technical roles, which evolved into leadership positions across significant tech firms. I led teams that transformed customer engagement through innovative solutions. Eventually, I channeled my expertise to found SuccessLab, focusing on elevating customer success through strategic AI integrations.

How did you join Customer Success?

I transitioned into customer success through a natural progression from customer support and service roles in the SaaS settings. My passion for technology and customer advocacy drove me to explore how strategic engagements and digital solutions could significantly enhance customer experiences and business outcomes.

How would you describe the ideal CSM candidate?

The ideal CSM candidate is empathetic, proactive, and strategically minded. They should possess a strong understanding of customer needs, exceptional communication skills, and the ability to leverage data to drive decision-making. An aptitude for learning new technologies and adapting to changes is crucial.

What one piece of advice would you give to someone just starting out as a Customer Success Manager?

Focus on building solid relationships. Trust and understanding your customers’ needs and goals are the core of customer success. Prioritize clear communication and always look for ways to add value to your customers’ businesses.


Trust and understanding your customers' needs and goals are the core of customer success.

Can you take us on a journey describing what your workday looks like?

My typical day involves a mix of strategic planning and operational execution. Mornings are for internal team meetings to align on priorities, followed by customer calls to discuss their challenges and progress. I also dedicate time to mentor staff and review our AI data insights for ongoing adjustments in our strategies.

What makes you feel inspired or motivated?

What inspires me most is seeing our work’s tangible impact on our clients’ success. Innovations that drive efficiency and growth for businesses and leading teams as passionate about customer success as I am keeping me motivated.

What’s one thing that people are generally surprised to find out about you?

People are often surprised to learn that I am deeply interested in history. Understanding the past gives me a unique perspective on innovation and human-centered design.

Who do you look up to the most? 

I admire leaders like Jeff Bezos for their visionary approach and relentless focus on customer satisfaction. His ability to anticipate customer needs and innovate accordingly has always inspired my work in customer success.

What are your top 3 priorities now?

These are my top 3 priorities:

  • Scaling SuccessLab’s impact through broader AI integrations.

  • Enhancing our training programs to support our team’s growth and adaptability.

  • Strengthening our strategic partnerships within the tech industry.

What advice would you give to Customer Success Managers to grow and develop their careers?

Stay curious and continuously seek knowledge about your industry, customers, and emerging technologies. Invest in building a robust network and take on projects that challenge you to step outside your comfort zone.

What’s your favorite book, and why?

“Good to Great” by Jim Collins is my favorite all-time business book because it provides a clear framework for what differentiates merely good companies from truly great ones. The focus on disciplined people, disciplined thought, and disciplined action resonates with how I approach both leadership and customer success.

More recently, I found Greg McKeown’s “Effortless” to be incredibly impactful because it challenges the conventional notion that achieving significant results requires massive effort. Instead, the book introduces the idea of making essential tasks the easiest part of your day, which resonates deeply with my philosophy in customer success management.

» Check out the 10 Books a CSM should read to advance and improve their skills.

Have you had your “I’ve made it” moment yet?

While I don’t believe in a singular “I’ve made it” moment because I view success as a continuous journey, there have been several milestones that felt particularly rewarding. One such moment was when I founded SuccessLab. Seeing the company evolve from an idea into a thriving business that significantly impacts how organizations manage customer success and leverage AI technologies was incredibly fulfilling.

What should I have asked you but didn’t? 

A great question might have been, “How do you balance innovation with operational stability in customer success?” This is crucial because while it’s important to continuously innovate and improve, ensuring the reliability and stability of your service is essential. Striking the right balance between these can define the success of customer-centric operations.

Where can people go to find out more about you?

People interested in learning more about me and my work can connect with me on LinkedIn. I frequently post about industry trends, upcoming speaking engagements, and articles on best practices in customer success. Additionally, subscribing to the CCO Perspectives newsletter is a great way to receive insights and updates directly. While the SuccessLab website is currently under development, these platforms will provide the most current and detailed information about my activities and insights in customer success.

Thank you for this fantastic opportunity to share my experiences and insights. It has been a pleasure discussing my journey and the exciting field of customer success. I am especially eager to connect and make new friends who are passionate about customer success in the Middle East. The region holds great potential for innovation and growth in this domain, and I look forward to collaborating with like-minded professionals to drive exceptional customer experiences together.

Thank you, Omid, for sharing your knowledge and for the opportunity to know you more.

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